Chief Postmaster General,
(मुख्य डाक महाध्यक्ष)
Tamilnadu Circle
(तमिलनाडू परिमंडल)
Chennai – 600 002.
(चेन्नई – 600 002)
G.M (PA&F), T.N. Circle, Chennai-600008,
Dy. Director, Foreign Post, Chennai-600001,
Dy. Director, CEPT, Mysore at Chennai 600 002.
Director, PTC, Madurai-625022,
EE, Postal Civil Division, Chennai-600008,
SP, PSD, Chennai-600010,
SP, CSD, Chennai-600010,
SSRM, Airmail Sorting Dn, Chennai-600045,
SRM, Chennai Sorting Dn, Chennai-600008,
SRM, Chennai RMS ‘M’ Dn, Chennai-600008,
Sr. Manager, MMS, Chennai-600006,
The Manager, SPCC/RLO Chennai 600016/600002.
All Section Officers/Section in Circle Office
No. TCA/130-2/2014 dated at Chennai -2, the 09.12.2015
Sub: Sanction of Compensatory off/Special Casual Leave – reg.
Despite of the recent torrential rains in Chennai City and other parts of Tamilnadu resulting in devastating floods in many parts of Tamilnadu, causing dislocation & difficulty, throwing normal life out of gear, many of the postal staff had attended office and ensured the damage to our postal property is minimal.
It is directed to convey the appreciation of the Chief Postmaster General to concerned Staffs and such staff may be granted compensatory off. SD/-
Assistant Director(Admn.)
For, Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai – 600 002.
Copy to:
All recognized service unions, Tamilnadu Circle.
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